ISHRAE Chapter Expert Talk on "CAREER OPTION in HVACR INDUSTRIES" by Mr. Sandeep Belsare,ISHRAE President Indore Chapter and Dr. Sharad Choudhary,National Official ISHRAE.
Department of Mechanical Engineering students had attended technical poster making competition, organized on the topic – ‘Eco Friendly Devices’ on 17th Oct. 2015.
Department of Mechanical Engineering students had visited Central Mall, for the brief knowledge of refrigeration and process involved in water transmission in mall on 05th Oct., 2015.
Department of Mechanical Engineering students had attended the rally, which is being organized by the society of ISHRAE Indore chapter with the motto to aware the people about the harms caused because of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and carbon monoxide (CO) on 16th Sept., 2015.
ISHRAE Indore chapter organized its annual event “TECHNOCHILL” in association with CDGI on 8th February 2014.