Models of IC Engines, Low Pressure Boilers, Mounting & Accessories, Model of steam engine, Sine bar, Slip gauge, Vernier calliper, Micrometer, Dial gauge.
Cut Section Models of Solid, Tool Post, Connecting Rod, Types of Joints.
Fitting, Carpentry, Foundry, Black Smithy, Welding Shop (MIG, GAS, ARC WELDING).
Universal Testing M/C, Hardness testing M/C, Impact Tester, Charpy- Izod Impact Testing M/C, Torsion Testing M/C.
Separating Throttling Calorimeter Apparatus, Turbine models, High Pressure Boiler Models.
Composite wall, Lagged pipe, Natural & Forced convection, Pin-Fin apparatus, Emissivity apparatus, Thermal conductivity of metal rod, Thermal conductivity of insulating powder.
Air washer test rig, Ice plant test rig, Vapour compression refrigerator test rig, Water to water heat pump, Air conditioner test rig, Electrolux refrigerator.
Governor apparatus, Balancing apparatus, Gyroscope apparatus, Whirling of shaft, Universal vibration apparatus.
Lubrication system, Test rig of petrol & diesel engine, cut-section models of 4-stroke petrol & diesel engine.
Kinematic pairs, types of gears, types of gear drive, brakes & clutches.
S.No. | List of Laboratories |
1 | Workshop |
2 | Basic Mechanical Engineering |
3 | Engineering Graphics |
4 | Strength of Material |
5 | Thermodynamics |
6 | Instrumentation & Control |
7 | Theory of Machines |
8 | Fluid Mechanics |
9 | Manufacturing Technology |
10 | Dynamics of Machines |
11 | Internal Combustion Engines |
12 | Mechanical Vibration |
13 | Fluid Mechanics |
14 | FEM/CFD |
15 | Thermal Engineering & Gas Dynamics |
16 | Machine Design |
17 | CAD/CAM/CIM |
18 | Heat & Mass Transfer |
19 | Automobile |
20 | Refrigeration & Air conditioning |